« Dairy History « Mount Desert Island Dairies

Green Acres
Town Hill
Green Acres Farm, John Pray. In the MDI Register John Pray is listed as such; Pray, Grace A (m Fogg), W Eden. John L. student. So in 1909, John Pray, a student was the son of Grace A. (Pray) who was married to a Fogg and lived in Town Hill. Under Fogg I find that J.L Fogg was a farmer in West Eden (Town Hill) married to Grace A (Higgins-Pray). It is a puzzle that J.L.Pray lived under the same roof as J.L. Fogg and J.L. Pray isn't a Fogg. I only say that because one seems to have been named after the other as a father and son tradition. The J.L. Pray, Green Acres Farm is at the end of Fogg Road in Town Hill. Draper Liscomb farmed the property some time after Pray.
Other Names Associated With This Dairy: J. L. Pray, John Pray, Grace A. Pray