« Dairy History « Mount Desert Island Dairies

This ad shows that Harold changed the breed of cows and named the farm Bayview Farm.
Bayview Farm, H. R. Lunt
Bar Harbor
H.R Lunt was Harold (Jake) Lunt born in Calais 1906. He had stayed behind to help his parents run the farm when the others joined the effort in WWII. The advertisement above shows that Harold changed the breed of cows and named the farm Bayview Farm.
Harold “Jake” (H.R. Lunt) told his daughter, Lori Randolph that during Prohibition he and his brothers would meet their Father's (W.W. Lunt) ship, the FG French with a wagon at the shore on their property very early in the morning.They would row out to the ship and load on the rum barrels on to the smaller boat. The boys would then ride the wagon around and unload the rum barrels into various dry wells on the property. Then the rum could be taken to the customers with the daily milk delivery run!
Other Names Associated With This Dairy: Harold Lunt