« Dairy History « Mount Desert Island Dairies

Frank Andrews Jr in Bar Harbor parade with milk delivery truck.
Andrews Farm
Bar Harbor
The Andrews Farm is in Salsbury Cove on route 3 right next to my grandfather's house. At some point the Andrews Farm burned with the cows inside apparently. The smell of the whole scene was terrible for months and years. This was one of the farms bought by Thirlstane Ranch and sold back to the Andrews family when Hamilton decided he had enough of farming. The Andrews apparently gardened for Hamilton during the period he was farming.
Other Names Associated With This Dairy: Thirlstane Ranch, Linden Farm, Frank Andrews
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Part of a 1/2 pint bottle found under an old barn.
I found this under a barn and nearby was another fragment of a bottle that said "Farm" on the top and "and Son" across the middle of the slug plate. I lost that piece, but combined with this one, the bottle says Linden Farm, Andrews and Son.